Conference 2025
A powerful gathering of the saints in fellowship, worship, unity, and repentance, calling on Heaven to invade our lives and communities. Experience miracles, physical and relational healing, received training, equipping, and impartation from Generals of the faith, and experienced life-changing encounters with the Father's love.
Its Adelaides Time
The Love Revolution

2025 Conference Speakers

Heidi Baker
Co-Founder of Iris Global
Heidi was powerfully called to the mission field at age sixteen when she was living on an Indian reservation in Mississippi as an American Field Service student. Several months after she was led to Jesus by a Navajo evangelist, she was taken up in a vision for several hours and heard Jesus speak audibly to her and tell her to be a minister and a missionary to Asia, England and Africa. When she returned home to Laguna Beach, California, she began ministering at every opportunity and leading short-term missions teams. We met at a small charismatic church in Dana Point, and got married six months later after realizing we had the same radical desire to see revival among the poor and forgotten of the world. Heidi Baker founded Iris Global in 1980 with her husband Rolland, and began ministering together in Asia. In 1995 they were called to the poorest country in the world at the time, Mozambique, and faced an extreme test of the Gospel. They began by pouring out their lives among abandoned street children, and as the Holy Spirit moved miraculously in many ways a revival movement spread to adults, pastors, churches and then throughout the bush all across Mozambique’s ten provinces. Heidi is now “Mama Heidi” to thousands of children, and oversees a broad holistic ministry that includes Bible schools, medical clinics, church-based orphan care, well drilling, primary schools, evangelistic and healing outreaches in remote villages and a network of thousands of churches. She has BA, MA and PhD degrees, has authored four books and travels the world as a conference speaker.

Leif Hetland
President of Global Mission Awareness
Leif Hetland impacts the lives of global leaders, executives, and ministers as a Transformational Life Coach. Leif is the president of Global Mission Awareness and he ministers globally bringing an impartation of God’s love, healing, and apostolic authority through a paradigm of kingdom family. A forerunner in modern-day missions, Leif has brought the gospel into some of the most spiritually dark areas of the world. Over one million souls have been saved through his ministry. He has written numerous books, including his best-sellers Called to Reign, Giant Slayers, Seeing Through Heaven’s Eyes, and Healing the Orphan Spirit. Leif and his wife Jennifer reside just outside of Atlanta, GA, USA where they continue to touch countless lives through their ministry.

Katherine Ruonala
Founder of Glory City Church
Katherine Ruonala has a prophetic and healing ministry and travels internationally as a conference speaker bringing a message of love and hope to the nations. Katherine carries a strong prophetic and miracle anointing with many being instantly healed in her meetings. Reaching across denominational walls, her ministry is also used to spread the fires of revival and ignite a fresh passion in the hearts of believers to go deeper in their relationship with God.
Katherine hosts her television show and is the author of the books “Speak Life: Creating Your World With Your Words”, “Living in the Miraculous: How God’s Love is Expressed Through the Supernatural”, “Wilderness to Wonders: Embracing the Power of Process” and “Life With The Holy Spirit: Enjoying Intimacy With The Spirit of God”. Katherine and Tom Ruonala are the founders and Senior Ministers of Glory City Church Brisbane and oversee the International Glory City Church network which has a growing number of churches around the world. Tom Ruonala serves as the Honorary Consul of Finland in Brisbane. Katherine is the founder and coordinator of the Australian Prophetic Council and has made several appearances on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural” television program.

Will Hart
CEO of Iris Global
In 1999 Will walked into the basement of a church not knowing why he was there. That night the Holy Spirit reached out and grabbed him by the heart and he was never the same. Since then Will and his wife Musy have traveled and ministered with Bob Bradbury, Randy Clark, Rolland and Heidi Baker. Will's call is to take the simplicity of the gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit wherever he goes. Whether it is the jungles of Congo or the streets of Thailand, he is expectant and confident in the Holy Spirit showing up in power. In 2016, Heidi & Rolland Baker asked Will to take over as Iris Global's CEO. Now, in addition to traveling the globe speaking as an itinerant, he operationally runs Iris Global.

Hugh and Jane Marquis
Kingdomprenuer & Prophetic Artist
Hugh Marquis is married to Jane and has three children Breanne, Savannah, and Owen and resides in the eastern suburbs of Adelaide. Hugh is an experienced entrepreneur, executive leader, speaker, inventor, and social change philanthropist. Hugh and Jane have built, transformed, and sold companies spanning many industries including, Hospitality, Human Resources, Telecommunications, Forestry, and Information Technology. Most notably, Hugh was the visionary founder of Education IT services provider, Network Neighborhood, which started as a dream and grew to a large 8 figure business employing over 250 people. He has authored a book “Take Your Framework and Stick It Up Your Pipeline: - A New Normal in BusinessHugh and Jane Founded StopStart a foundation to fight Human Trafficking and end modern-day slavery. Hugh sits on multiple boards including Iris Global and Harvest International Ministries, advising both the nonprofit and profit sector. This has inspired a journey to transform societies rooted in greed fear and corruption to one motivated by caring sharing and prosperity for all. He is a sought-after speaker and consultant who travels globally, advising Governments, businesses, churches, and other leaders. He will set you up for great conversations and launch you on a transformational journey that will impact your family, business, community, city, nation, and world. In addition to running businesses, Jane founded STOPstart a foundation that reskilled people who had been trafficked or at risk of being trafficked. Jane started painting after receiving a prophetic word four years ago. Today her paintings grace the walls of churches homes and businesses in over 15 countries.

Ally Dowling
Worship Leader
Ally Dowling is a gifted and passionate worship leader known for her remarkable ability to create an environment where the Holy Spirit can move freely, touching hearts, and bringing healing, freedom, and transformation. One of the defining characteristics of Ally’s worship is her prophetic sensitivity and anointing. With a heart devoted to The Father and a voice that carries both power and tenderness, she co-labours with the Holy Spirit to establish places of encounter. Ally is married to Joel and together they have three delightfully adventurous daughters.

Mark Varughese
Founder and Senior Leader of Kingdomcity
Mark is the founder and Senior Leader of Kingdomcity – a growing, vibrant church in multiple locations around the world. Along with his wife Jemima and a rising, gifted team of passionate pastors and strategic leaders in multiple nations, Kingdomcity is quickly expanding into a global movement with seeds now in Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Australia – in first-world and developing world settings. His journey began in 2003 when he left his legal career to pursue full-time ministry in a local church in Perth, Australia. In 2005, he had a personal encounter with God in what he describes as “his burning bush” experience. In response to what he believed God told him, he left Australia, bought a one-way ticket to Malaysia, and planted what is now Kingdomcity, in April 2006. Mark authored his first book “Ready, Fire! Aim”, which captures his journey and Kingdomcity story on paper. It is an inspiring life story interwoven with a common thread of faith and risk.

David Hall
Senior Leader of Revival City Church
David Hall is passionate about seeing people connect with the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit. He’s a faith-building and hilarious preacher who has traveled to many nations seeing salvations, healings, and people filled with the Holy Spirit. His teaching stirs expectations in people for healing, breakthroughs, and an encounter with God. He and his wife Donna are the senior pastors of Revival City Church a multi-campus church in Adelaide, South Australia. David moves in the power of the Holy Spirit and regularly sees people healed, filled with God’s presence, empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve God with a fresh passion and people finding Jesus.
Market Place Stall
At Live to Love 2025 we will have a market place stall and book stall. This will be a vibrant meeting place open between sessions. If you or your organisation would like a stall please contact emily@livetolove.com.au

Calling all Kingdom Building Partners
An opportunity for individuals, families, businesses, and companies to invest in what God is doing in Adelaide and beyond. We are not a church, but we have said yes to the mandate to bring the churches together as one unified body under the banner of His love We are seeking financial partners to help us bring the love of the Father wherever we go.